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work meh [23 Mar 2010|08:58am]

i worked overtime this week, and then yesterday morning i was given a talking to about how i use my time at work. this resulted from a complaint i voiced with my lead over not really understanding something that was going on--because my computer keeps freaking out and one of the programs i desperately need to complete my job never functions. (pant pant) his solution was not to fix the computer program but to tell me i spend too much time at work NOT working, and any breaks i take must be taken away from the computer or VERY carefully marked off/not paid time on my time sheet.

what does this mean?

it means when i work overtime, which will be often, my posting time is going to space out a lot more. i have not forgotten i owe anyone replies, i just really can't do them as often as i'd like. it also means i can't leave chat programs open anymore. rad.

i know it sounds like i'm whining for having to do work at work, but please realize.... everyone else in the damn room is already doing these things, and i'm currently the only one being asked not to because i complained about something.

morph and i are on this; my boss is going to dream about having sex with monkeys all week.

i will do my best to get my posting done later tonight (after 8 my time). i won't be home until then. :/ i'm still reserving a night a week for rp, at the very least.

[ viewing | March 23rd, 2010 ]
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