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[10 Mar 2010|09:09pm]
In between editing a friend's submission letter to a museum and finishing up some site work for my church's outreach web site, I had a conversation with lovely Kate regarding Arian and activity. I'm sure everyone saw that she's on the 'inactivity' list, and pending deletion tomorrow since I haven't been keeping up with her.

One of the things Kate said was that I should perhaps reevaluate whether I had time to carry this character load. I took her words to heart and decided that it's best for me, the mods, the players, and the game, to exit stage left, with flourish.

Thanks for the good times, DDC - both under my wing and under others. I know I'll be welcomed back if anything changes, as I have been in the past.... This time around, however, I don't think it will.

Do great things!


[ viewing | March 10th, 2010 ]
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