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DDC I love you! [07 Mar 2010|08:56am]
Okay, okay I know I haven't been around much and that Morphy replied to Hermes AGES  ago!(I didn't get that notif) So yeah I am alive, got sick, got surprise family guests (yes plural)  that I wasen't prepared for, work has been hell. But I want you all to know that no matter how much I tried to ignore the saying/yelling of Himeros and Hermes cries they are still around! Hermes is quiet pissed that I wasen't letting him out as much as I used to and was threating to mess with my brain if I didn't.

Okay so the threads. Hermes and Peitho will happen Jess, because it must. Yes, yes give Meros to Harm and Eros he loves them both(one more than the other but dont tell him I told you that.) So yeah I'm still alive and still a part of this game. And I'm getting a new guy soon so be on the look out!

Himeros, Hermes, [insert new guys name here]

further ways to contact me [07 Mar 2010|02:57pm]
dear gods and goddesses....

ok. so.

i am not on aim unless i am home and actively able to rp, which means the bulk of the time, i am NOT on. (but will sign on, when needed for plot stuff.) but!!! do not fret!!!

you can reach me at msn messenger AND googlechat at!

both of these things are open whilst i am at work, though we are not allowed aim on company computers. i can chat unless uber busy or working overtime, AND! AND! i can write a few replies if they are plotted out beforehand, as i have two fifteen minute breaks per day!

these are all things that i wish to utilize for rp purposes, so i can be more up-to-speed. just wanted to be sure you knew how to reach me if it wasn't late at night or an evening/day when i'm home, specifically online in order to write. :)

ps- if you do message me on the above and i do not answer right away, please be patient! i will answer when not work-busy.

[ viewing | March 7th, 2010 ]
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