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schedule [20 Feb 2010|12:12pm]
oh hai, writing friends!

i have, in the last month, started a new job. yay new job! with new job comes a lot of overtime, and i've been attempting to find a balance between it and the rest of life.... including RP.

i'll be around much more often starting this week, since OT is a little less. at least one day (possibly sunday) per week will be available for RP. if not sunday, a week night after 7 (pacific time.)

i am really excited to be more settled and have this kind of time! and apologies to any i've left hanging recently. it's taken me a while to get squared away, and i meant no offense by it.

ps- hermes, you have a reply.
nanshe, i miss you.

i miss everyone.

Plot Chat Cancelled [20 Feb 2010|10:47pm]
Since we all seemed to have diverging schedules that prevented us from getting together this evening, we are going to put up this post here for the purposes of getting plot. Which of your critters need plot, and who do they want plot with?

[ viewing | February 20th, 2010 ]
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