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Activity Checks [02 Feb 2010|12:47am]
We have done activity checks, and letters have gone out to the following characters:

[info]cunningly, [info]bad_as, [info]epru, [info]drink_to_forget, [info]ladyvictory, [info]oizys, [info]katastrefo, and [info]zephyrus

If your character is on that list and you didn’t get an e-mail, you should have, our bad.

And [info]discordia_lane and [info]cupidos? Consider this your wake up call to get some posting done before we do activity checks again because you were on the cusp this time.

Finally, a note about activity. We have noted that lately certain players have been showing up to post a reply or two, then disappearing for a month (or longer when we’ve been remiss about activity checks.) You know who you are, we don’t need to name names. We fully understand when life gets busy and things get in the way of you posting, we have those issues ourselves. But that sort of inconsistency in regular activity points to only posting in order to meet the once a month posting requirement. If it continues to happen, you will be getting an e-mail from us about that. It will be a very frowny e-mail.

[ viewing | February 2nd, 2010 ]
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