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S (ess ess ess) A (ay ay ay) F (eff eff eff) E (ee ee ee) T (tee tee tee) Y (yyy) [27 Jan 2010|08:54pm]
Safety DANCE!

It is I, the Fae, and I come to you again with Soter, God of SAFETY, DELIVERANCE AND PRESERVATION FROM HARM. Don't invite him to your parties. He'll tell you to be careful with how much you drink and he'll ask you to get rid of all the things that have high fructose corn syrup in them.

But really, although he's a health nut and a bit of a square, he shines when you need some good old fashioned saving.

He's also a bit like his daddy, Zeus. But only a bit.


[ viewing | January 27th, 2010 ]
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