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Y Hullo Thar [20 Jan 2010|06:42pm]
So, it pains me a great deal to inform you all that Hedylogos is no longer in game. I had to drop him. It was just time. I'd been playing him for quite a while and I feel I've done all I could with him at the time. I lost his voice and I don't think I'd do him justice if I continued to play him.

But, and this is a big but, I am proud to introduce the Neikea to the game. They are the children of Eris (no dad) and are the gods of Strife, Quarrel, Feud and Grievance. I've chosen to portray them as a trio, though no formal number of them is given in the research I've done. Just a 'The Neikea' implying more than one. Here are some fun facts about the individuals:
Eristikos - Oldest of the three. Kind of the quiet, broody type, but very good at what he does. Organized and mildly anal retentive. He's the protector of the other two. He's your go to guy if you want a feud started subtly.
Neikos - Middle child. Your average screw-up. He can't do much of anything right and when he does do it right, it still manages to go wrong. Will do anything for acceptance and praise. Anything. Probably the more approachable of the three.
Philoneike - The youngest. Hates her birth name with a passion. Should you call her anything other than Nikki, you will get punched. She's a user in every sense of the word: alcohol, drugs, sex... people. She is very, very good at what she does all things considered.

Now, Neikos has been in game before, but ages ago. I think the only people here who may remember him are myself, Fae and Mila. And most of that history, I know. I'm up for all and any plot anyone can cook up, HDC or DDC or... gaspity, even CDC.

So. Who wants to play?

~ Dawn
Enyo, Frigg, Harmonia, Iris, Loki, Skadhi and now the Neikea!

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