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She's back! [12 Jan 2010|12:23pm]
Hello, darling DDC players! Hello, friends! Hello there, ladies and gentlemen!

After a huge IRL stress-fest, I am finally back in a place where I can RP again! HUZZAH! Triple huzzah!

I expect to get Arianrhod ([info]silver_above), Nanshe ([info]lady_diviner), and Styx ([info]execrable back in play within the week.

Plus! Plus, I intend to have my application for BIA to our faithful mods by Friday.

Plus! PLUS! I intend to pick up one of my old characters within this week as well.

Back? Yes, yes, I'm back -- and wow, with a vengeance, too!


*scampers off, undramatically*

PLOT CHAT! [12 Jan 2010|04:04pm]
OMG you guys! How long has it been since we did a plot chat? Since before Thanksgiving that’s how long! And we have new players and people returning from hiatus and people looking for plot and cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria! WE NEED A PLOT CHAT!

So yeah. We realize that this is a bit last minute, but we are going to be holding a plot chat on Friday, January the 15th, 2010 at 11:00 PM Eastern, 10:00 Central, 9:00 Mountain, 8:00 Pacific.

Be online on AIM (or some AIM client that supports a chat feature, not AIM Express unfortunately) about 15 minutes before chat starts so we can all get in there, get situated, and ready for the fun! If you would like some sort of reminder (yes, Kat, I am looking at you and your sleep-inducing cat) let me know and I’ll come up with a way to poke at you so you don’t forget plot chat.

First plot chat of the new year! Woohoo! See you Friday!

[ viewing | January 12th, 2010 ]
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