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Plot? Anyone? [09 Jan 2010|01:50pm]
So, I find myself in need of some plot. Here's what I'm looking for, let me know if you have any characters willing to play with them.

Enyo: Needs some HDC. She doesn't have to kill someone, in fact some people have survived encounters with her. But she needs activity badly.

Frigg: DDC or HDC. I'm wide open. It would be nice to get some more history for her, but I'm open to whatever.

Harmonia: DDC preferred

Iris: DDC or HDC. I have no preference.

Loki: DDC preferred. Come on, everyone wants to play with their favorite Trickster!

I'll be about the house doing some tinkering, so while you may reach me on AIM, here is probably the best place to offer suggestions.

~ Dawn

[ viewing | January 9th, 2010 ]
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