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Well, hello again! [18 Dec 2008|01:13am]
It is I, Linda! I play Lethe - or at least I did, before I fell off the face of the planet.

I've been away. I've been neglectful. I'm a d-bag, srsly.

Listen, it's been a crazy-ass couple of months... but the semester is over!

And just in time for me to introduce my version of the one, the only, the inimitable - Aphrodite!


My version of Dite will probably play a little differently than previous versions, and there may be tweaks or changes in her history/relationships. However, I'm obviously completely willing to work with anyone and everyone - and clearly, there are certain canonical relationships that I'm super excited to play!

If you had important interaction with this character in the past, please reply to this post and tell me about the history of those interactions.

Can't wait to play with y'all, and Dite!

(Also, if you want to play with Lethe -and you know you do, she's such a cute little reclusive freak- by all means, let me know via AIM [Aunt Mania] - it'll be frickin' awesome!)

P.S.: I am so down for plot for either of these two. Or both. Srsly, it'll be a party!

[ viewing | December 18th, 2008 ]
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