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Told you I had a replacement [07 Dec 2008|10:20pm]
'Tis I, Cary with a character update! So, as I decided to drop Sekhmet, I still wanted an Egyptian to play with. This little pup has been whispering to me for a while and I finally found the right face for him. The eyes on this guy are perfect for a jackal god. So without further ado, I introduce to you...

ANUBIS! God of Embalming, Protector of the Dead and protector of his adopted mother, Isis. He loves his adopted family - Isis, Horus and Bast - very much and will often get into trouble with Bast. His birth mother, Nephthys, abandoned him. It was to protect him from Set, but he has a few issues with it anyway.

Unlike some Underworld Death gods, Anubis is not always brooding or overly emo. When he starts feeling down about his parents or anything else, he tends to go off and brood quietly until he gets over it. Then he comes home and plays pranks on Bast. He is generally a happy guy, with gallows humor about his job. So he's pleasant to be around.

He's looking forward to playing and would like to meet other "death" gods from different pantheons. I'm not sure if we had a Nubie before, but he's ready to meet new people.

Oh yeah and... If you had important interaction with this character in the past, please reply to this post and tell me about the history of those interactions.

[ viewing | December 7th, 2008 ]
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