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Boredom [18 Nov 2008|03:58am]
Here to pimp my characters. Aside from Freyja and Ullr, and Sif who is only in HDC, all of them are free and itching to play!  So if you have any critters looking for some interaction, please let me know! In case you're uncertain, here's a recap:

Isis: C'mon, it's good to know the Queen!
Bes: Party animal, womanizer, and demon chaser extraordinaire
Bragi: Soft spoken, teller of tales, always carries "special" mead for the worthy. Tends to be a bit absentminded and loses things easily.
Ares: a man who seriously needs no introduction-his weapons speak for him
Sif: wife of Thor, magic golden hair, former model (at least temporarily) a bit on the materialistic side

HDC or DDC, makes no difference. No reasonable offers will be refused.

Plot Chat! [18 Nov 2008|01:58pm]
Since it appears that some folks are in need of plot, I suppose it’s about that time again isn’t it? What is it with you people? It’s like you actually want to play or something.

Alright, alright. We’ll be holding plot chat on Friday, November 21st, at 9:00 PM Eastern, 8:00 Central, 7:00 Mountain, and 6:00 Pacific.

We realize that makes it a little early for some folks, so if you really want it later, we can push it back some. I know that Tereesa and Dawny won’t be able to attend due to prior commitments, and Bryce, I’m assuming your work schedule is going to disallow joining in as well? For those of you that can’t attend, Tereesa has conveniently put up a nice post wherein you can make some plotty plans.

For the rest of you, we hope to see you on Friday. Be online and available or you won’t get an invite, and as usually, we’ll start pulling people in half an hour before chat officially starts.

[ viewing | November 18th, 2008 ]
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