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Greetings from the North! [04 Nov 2008|04:13pm]
It's Tereesa again, coming through with number seven, and my fourth Nord. Meet Ullr, God of Winter, Archery, Skiing, Oaths, Shields, and the Hunt. He is the son of Sif, stepson of Thor, and the husband of the Wintery beauty, Skadhi.

For a warrior, Ullr is relatively laid back, unlike others who consider themselves war gods. I mean, c'mon, have you seen who raised him? Between Mr. Hammer-Happy, and the bickering between that one and his mother, Ullr has learned to kind of let things roll off his shoulders, and to actually think before he acts. He has simple tastes, and finds a great deal of pleasure just enjoying the outdoors and solitude, despite his happy marriage.

All his information can be found in his journal, as usual. While I am fairly certain he has never been in game before, if you have any history you would like to develop with him, or any plot ideas, let me have 'em!

[ viewing | November 4th, 2008 ]
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