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[25 Aug 2008|05:36pm]
So this is Jan, and I decided to give everyone a few days heads up. I will be gone starting on WEDNESDAY, I shall be traveling in order to participate in the glorious event known as Dragon*Con in another state on the other side of the country.


So yeah. From August 27th to September 2nd. I will not have access to the internet more than likely, so if you need anything just leave an e-mail and I'll get back to you when I get back. =]

VACATION! WOOHOO! [25 Aug 2008|10:50pm]
OMG, Jan beat me to it!

I, too, shall be departing for Dragon*Con on Wednesday. I’ll be heading southward to meet up with Cary and other friends, and then we’ll continue on to the grand geekfest. Hopefully to find Jan at some point, somewhere, in the midst of all the insanity.

SO! I’ll be around to do a few replies here and there tomorrow, but I’m leaving early on Wednesday. I’ll be gone from the 27th to the 3rd. But fear not, I shall not leave you entirely! I can still be reached via e-mail (my yahoo account, not the hotmail account because iPhone doesn’t like my hotmail account, dammit) and I’ll also have access to the mod e-mail should you need me for that.

Be good, children. Try not to burn the place down while we’re gone. Ta!

[ viewing | August 25th, 2008 ]
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