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Hello hello! *waves* [15 Aug 2008|11:02pm]
Hi everyone =) I'm JJ (the other crazy new person) and I'm thrilled to be joining this game! I bring to you Epona, Celtic Goddess of Horses. She's been tending to her orchard and her horses these days, while still going around to all of her shrines in the British Isles. She's very down-to-earth (seeing as she is an Earth Goddess) and has never been up to the heavens to chill with the other deities (can you believe that!). She's lived her entire life with horses so she's really had no chance to form alliances or make any enemies, so think of her as a clean slate! She is super nice and caring though, but don't think that it'll be so easy to get close to her. Too much time on the mortal plane has allowed her to see that people are not always as they seem.

She's strong, independent, and adventurous, while being caring and compassionate. Very much like a horse, dontcha think?

Anywho, I look forward to meeting all of you. Like Rana, I have no idea where to start since so many characters here look awesome!

[ viewing | August 15th, 2008 ]
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