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So... [14 Jul 2008|07:08am]
Dawn here, and I bring you my last character, Skadhi of the Norse. Like Loki she's not so much a god as a deified jotun (think Norse equivalent to a Titan), but assimilated into the Aesir all the same. She used to be married to Njord, so I suspect there might be some interaction there.

Be forewarned, she's not a kind little cookie. Think of it this way, "it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Then it freaking hilarious." She doesn't smile or laugh very often at all, unless you are willing to make an ass out of yourself and physically hurt yourself. Yeah, she's one of those.

She's also an icy bitch as far as her personality goes and isn't squeamish at all, given that she's both the one who gutted Sigyn and Loki's son, Narvi, to use his guts to bind the father. She gutted a child. Gutted. A. Child.

But she's not always malicious. Skadhi's just misunderstood... mostly... kinda. Her bio is in her journal if you want more details than these.

Oh, and because she'd been played before:

If you had important interaction with this character in the past, please reply to this post and tell me about the history of those interactions.

I also want plot. Anyone need plot?

JAN. [14 Jul 2008|04:26pm]


now work for you? :P

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