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And so it is.... [05 Jul 2008|07:05pm]
Honestly, I tried writing this post many times but each time nothing but cliches seemed to ruin the post. I want to say so much more like "RL is a bitch" or even "save me! I'm dying at work" but nothing seemed to be comparable to a simple "It's time." And time being not something that can quantified in length but more of the intangible emotion.

I tried to think of reasons why I should leave DDC and could not find a suitable single reason that would make me leave this place but then, in hindsight, I came to realize that they all played a part in why I have to leave. Then I tried to find a reason for me to stay here but I only ended up with a big and glaring "?" which I could not find a way around. That question mark haunted me much more than the facts that I have obviously too much work (full time job and a part time or so consultant) going in my life, that I am going back to graduate school part time and managing my crazy family while retaining my sanity.

DDC has been an integral part of my life since 2003-4 and I can say also played a part in developing my writing skills. (I don't think I can look back on my early logs in other RPGs without cringing). It is here that I found many fond friends who both inspired and challenged me further in terms of writing and I do hope to remain in contact with many of them as I leave. In a way, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for being part and parcel of my life during this time, for providing me with counsel during the dark times and cheer during the lighter times.

There have been many a time that my day has been brightened just by coming back one night to read the logs that have been put up.

I will be watching you guys, do keep up the work. And last but not least, hope to see you all around the net sometime soon - I'm not moving from where I currently am and you can all find me then.

Be well and take care. (Live long and prosper)



Thread Summaries 6/15 - 7/5 [05 Jul 2008|11:26pm]
Here it is DDCers! My first Thread Summary. Please be gentle. It’s not all that witty, but it is done! This one will cover the middle of June through our first week of modship. After this, I want to do the summaries weekly, so I’m counting on you guys to give me stuff to well, summarize.

These last two weeks we really started getting into the swing of things again with 18 DDC threads and 2 HDC for a total of 20. Good job! And I know there are a lot more threads in the plotting stages so next week’s summary should be just as full.

Read on!
Deities Dot Com Thread Summaries: June 16, 2008 to July 5, 2008! )

These were all top notch threads, guys. Well done.

Please be sure to remember that you can always message the original poster of a thread and ask permission to join that thread.

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