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I have returned! [22 Jun 2008|04:36am]
Alrighty. I am back. Basically. I have moved. Basically. So I can begin to play again. Basically. I’m still finishing up on some of the moving, I’ll be unpacking, cleaning, etc for the foreseeable future. So I will be playing, but my replies might be a tad slower than usual. Bear with me.

Lots of stuff going on these days, but I needs me some plottage here, peoples. Half of my characters are playing with Cary’s and while I adore her, I’d really like to play with the rest of you too. So… for starters, would anybody like to play with the new kid in town? Njord is loads of fun, really. He’ll get around to surfing with Pothos soon enough, but I’d like to see him play with somebody else too.





um? [22 Jun 2008|08:52pm]
ok. i know i have been super busy, but it seems that all my plot has disappeared. :( i want to continue playing very much, and i had a thread lined up with a character/player that has gone buhbye.

anyone available? for morpheus OR ama?

[ viewing | June 22nd, 2008 ]
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