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Moving! [15 Jun 2008|04:37am]
I am moving, yay! What this means is that I am not going to be around for the next couple days. On Tuesday I’ll be taking the computers apart, moving on Wednesday, and if everything goes exactly as it is supposed to, I will have internet access again on Friday. Keep your fingers crossed that it goes well, because I’ll go nuts if I can’t get online. So, nominally, I’ll be back on the 20th if things work right, but I’ll be slow for a while after that with unpacking and such.

To those players with whom I’m threading and I have not finished up our plots, I’m sorry for the delay and I hope I’ll be back quickly. Thank you.

x-posted everywhere

Blowing this popsicle stand. [15 Jun 2008|07:50pm]
As of tonight, I'm dropping my DDC characters. All of 'em. If I'm in a scene with you, NPC whatever you want. Death by chainsaw. Anything. If you really want my opinion on something, feel free to drop me an IM.

See ya when I see ya.

[ viewing | June 15th, 2008 ]
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