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I too have given in .. [22 Apr 2008|08:22pm]

I too have given into the pressure that is peer pressure, totally ignoring fifth grade DARE and have given into the way of the lemurs ....

In layman's terms? I have a CDJ  Pretend you care and be nice and friend me? I don't stalk like some people *Coughs*  Though I do bitch ... it's a familial illness and can't be helped.

Well, hello there! [22 Apr 2008|08:37pm]
Ladies and Gentlemen! It is I, Tereesa, bringing in number five. FIVE. Can you believe it?

Meet Bes. Egyptian God of music and dance, protector of families, children and childbirth, as well as protector against evil spirits and demons.

He is an interesting character with sharp contrasts to his personality. He can amuse a baby in it's crib for hours, take care of that pesky scorpion or cobra that finds it's way in, and take on a demon like nobody's business. But let him loose, and he is quite the party animal! Ever seen Animal House? Yeah, kind of like that, only smarter.

Having never been previously played, I am more than open to any ideas you might have. There is almost no one he doesn't like.

As always, my app for him is in his journal for ease of getting to know him.

Ooooo, baby, bring it on!

Avail Thyselves of Da Friends-Add Button, YEA VERILLYYY!!! [22 Apr 2008|08:37pm]
User			P	A		Sent By	Date	Status
beast_of_war		-	deities_mod	2008-03-27	accepted
bragarfull		-	deities_mod	2008-03-24	accepted
discordia_lane		-	deities_mod	2008-04-03	accepted
dwarf_of_kemet		-	deities_mod	2008-04-23	accepted
katastrefo		-	deities_mod	2008-04-14	accepted
noctambulist		-	deities_mod	2008-04-18	accepted
phobetor		-	deities_mod	2008-04-12	accepted
twice_born		-	deities_mod	2008-04-04	accepted
vanadis_freyja		-	deities_mod	2008-03-30	accepted

There have been a total of 9 new journals added to DDC in the last 30 days. What does this mean to you? Well, obviously you're in one of the most awesome games with some of the most awesome players EVARRRR. That's a given. But it also means that the chances are good that you might want to update your characters' friends lists!

What, all them? What a pain!
We at DDC have heard your cries! And we ANSWER! With the Friends Add Button!!

Yes, in one fell swoop, you TOO can have friends! HEE!

It's friends-locked for her pleasure, and you have to log in with each of your character journals, AND it's case-sensitive, so use only lowercase for your journal name when you put it in the nifty field, but! It's super easy! It's there for you! So onward, faithful writing fiends! ONWARD TO GLORY! AndLotsOfFriends.

Learn it, know it, love it, use it! HWAAA!

Bi-weekly Thread Summaries 4/5/08 - 4/22/08! [22 Apr 2008|09:26pm]
Eee! Holy crap, you guys need to stop rocking my pants off. Unless you're Shade. Then ROCK ALL NIGHT LONG, BABEEEE!

Ahem. Lessee. This thread summary is comprised of the last two weeks (ish) of DDC & HDC posts. In DDC we had 34 posts, and in HDC we had 5, bringing us to a grand total of 39. Not too shabby, my pretties, not too shabby at all! Now you want the meat, doncha, now you want to suck the marrow straight from the bone, doncha-doncha, you want it all, you want it now, you want it, you want it... Yeah, I don't know what I'm talking about either.


Read on!

Deities Dot Com Thread Summaries: April 5th - April 22nd, 2008! )

And that's my night, folks! My butt hurts. Imma go smoke. But not with my butt. That'd just be gross. But Jan linked me to something on youtube once...

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