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TAGS [29 Mar 2008|12:01am]
Anne made a good suggestion in tonight's Plot Chat. Observe her greatness! OMG, MAY HER PENIS BE PRAISED!

We've added a link to PDC, HDC, and DDC each for the tags for each community. You can access this link by scrolling past the Page Summary module on the left-hand side of the community. Under the Links module, click on the Tags for that community.

Way to go, Anne!

Here I go again... [29 Mar 2008|09:06pm]
Hi everyone! It's Tereesa, launching the latest addition to my warped little family of charges.

Please welcome Freyja, my fourth character and third from the Norse pantheon. She is the Goddess of Love, Beauty, Fertility, and War. Quite the combination, wouldn't you say? The personification of sexuality, she enjoys the pleasures in life, especially those in the bedroom. She's used to getting her way, and will use nearly any means to do so. There are words that have been used to define her, rather unflattering words, and they are well-earned, even if she would argue that the ends justify the means.

She is the head of the Valkyries, receiving first choice of the slain warriors before sending the rest on to Valhalla to serve Odin. Though she leaves most of that to the other Valkyries, she does still occasionally visit the battlefield herself, if only to keep in touch with that part of herself.

As always, my application is in her journal, so feel free to take a look and get a feel for this interesting lady. Though I am sure she has never been played before, just in case:

If you had important interaction with this character in the past, please reply to this post and tell me about the history of those interactions.

Let the fun begin...

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