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somebody's gettin' maaaaried! [26 Mar 2008|04:57pm]
[ mood | tired ]

don't think i've posted about this here, if i have, ignore. BUT.

tomorrow afternoon, my best friend is gettin' hitched! i shall not be around tomorrow, or friday, or saturday until after 8. i also shall not be around monday evening.

weddings are exhausting, yo. the prep for this thing has been outrageous and very time-consuming.

life shall return to normal (ie, my absurd average posting rate) some time next week. morpheus owes replies to dys, dolos, and mak, and i am going to do my best to get those out to you all tonight.

love to all, and hopefully i shall be online later tonight!


Because five is not enough... [26 Mar 2008|11:35pm]
Greetings all, it is Cary again and I bring you my latest critter:
Nergal, Sumerian god of war, plague, violence and a few other fun things of that nature. Oh yeah, and he is the King of the Underworld, husband to Ereshkigal. He loves his wife and will insist to everyone that she loves him back (no matter what she says about him). He's looking forward to seeing her again and seeing his mother and sister as well. He might even take Shamash out for a drink.

Since Nergal was played before: If you had important interaction with this character in the past, please reply to this post and tell me about the history of those interactions.

Nergal might be a little more... psychotic this go around. A lot more psychotic. Some folks might even think of him as evil. But he thinks they're over-reacting.

I'm looking forward to getting him into the mix and having some fun.

[ viewing | March 26th, 2008 ]
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