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note to steve, dawn, and anyone else i owe replies to [20 Mar 2008|01:40pm]
[ mood | tired ]

...working on it. slower than usual. i'm overloaded at work and have two more freelance articles to write (by tuesday morning).

today is a fast day and tomorrow is purim, and then this weekend is the last one i'll get to spend with my best friend before her wedding next thursday. so i may not be able to get you replies until monday or tuesday.

btw, steve... it's taking me so long to reply to dolos because my creativity is just FRIED right now.

hugs. i didn't forget about you guys.

Yay [20 Mar 2008|06:42pm]
For those of you who haven't spotted a Mog lurking online yet, I am back from vacation. That said, I realize that there are things for me to do and yes, I am getting to them. I recover remarkably fast from time differences, mainly because my body is used to the abuse of getting up at random times in the morning and running on 4 hours of sleep. I will be going through applications today/tonight. I've been catching up on posts and things to see where everyone is too.

If I had a log with you before I left that you would like to continue now that I'm back, please let me know in a comment below. I don't mind dropping things if that makes your life easier. I do understand that the world keeps spinning without me around.

Good to be back and all that blah blah blah.



[ viewing | March 20th, 2008 ]
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