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gifting [09 Feb 2008|01:41pm]
Asklepios // 57 icons )

Amaterasu // 51 icons )

something like a phenomena. [09 Feb 2008|07:37pm]
[ mood | excited ]

Hello, folks. (There would be an exclamation point here if my keyboard worked properly, so expect my posts to be devoid of exclamation points and the number one.)

I am Kitty, and I bring to you Dysnomia, the Greek goddess of lawlessness. (Some of you know this already since I already seem to have acquired a few friends. Yay, friends.) Her information is in her journal, but basically, Dys is kind of short, has hot pink hair, likes to wear antique petticoats and makes people break the rules. You should all want to hang out with her if you enjoy watching people do stupid things.

I am very much open to plotting, creating backstory and looking ahead. Chances are, if you've done anything illegal or inappropriate in the past, Dys had something to do with it. So ping me on neverbeforedawn and we'll scheme. ;)

[ viewing | February 9th, 2008 ]
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