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ooops! [02 Feb 2008|04:00pm]
My apologies to everyone, especially Bill. It would seem that I consistently spelled "Bilskirnir" wrong in all my recent posts.

Sorry about that.

I am so lame. I'm fired.

Temporary Pantheon Limit [02 Feb 2008|04:53pm]
Hello Friends,

Currently, there are 18 (brilliant, beautiful) players in DDC and 7 open pantheons (Greek, Egyptian, Celtic, Sumerian, Norse, African, and Japanese). The African pantheon is brand new, the Japanese pantheon is reopened, and the Egyptian pantheon is finally seeing a good deal of growth. These are all good things! In terms of a community, it poses your mods with a singular set of challenges. It took many nights of debate and discussion between the three of us to come to this conclusion: We must set a temporary limit on the number of pantheons in DDC. We don't expect that this limit will remain once we have more players in DDC. For now, we truly feel that this is the step to take in order to keep DDC relatively cohesive.

The main reasons (though we have a few others, too) are these:
1) We want to give all players the chance to get acquainted and integrated with the new, reopened, and extending pantheons.
2) We want to encourage growth in our current pantheons without dividing attention among other new pantheons.
3) We feel that 7 sets of myth and 7 sets of character possibilities is quite sufficient for the vast creativity of our 18 current players.

Now someone go plot more with Anansi! And if you have friends, drag them in here already! (For tips on how to do this, SEE ALI.)

All our respective loves,
DDC Mods

[ viewing | February 2nd, 2008 ]
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