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[17 Jan 2008|12:42am]
My name is Bill, and this ray of sunshine Phlegethon is my first character here. A fortunate few here know me.. some do not.. anyway, I'm looking forward to spreading good cheer and joy as only Ethon can..

Oh, and as the greater powers command me to include..:

If you had important interaction with this character in the past, please reply to this post and tell me about the history of those interactions.

I has a toad! [17 Jan 2008|04:29am]
Oh, Bryyyyce!

Do we want to end the Gwyd/Isis thread there? You seem to left it at a good stopping point. Or, we can continue if you like.

I thought I would wait till after plot chat tomorrow night before starting a new thread. Maybe you, Steve and I should get together to discuss what we want to happen next? After the chat, maybe?

Wooo... [17 Jan 2008|08:00pm]
So to those invited to Aphrodite's party. The date for it will be February 1st, 2008. At least, that's when I'll post the thread. I don't care if you play out getting invites or whatever. It can just be assumed.

Please please please. If anyone was left off the list (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) remind me, okay?

If anyone has any questions/suggestions/praise because I'm better than all of you/whatever catch me on aim: AliciaApricot, or e-mail me: semicharmedali at gmail dot com.


[ viewing | January 17th, 2008 ]
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