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4 of 5 [06 Jan 2008|12:51am]
Hello... ladies.

Dolos is back, the Greek God of Trickery, Cunning Deception, Craftiness, Treachery & Guile. If you can, try to reread those abilities without snickering. No, I'm serious. Give it a go. I'll wait. I especially like the 'Craftiness' and 'Cunning' parts. I swear, half the reason he was still available is because I've ruined the character for future players.

For those of you new to the community in recent months and thus unfamiliar with Dolos(run now), he's a bit of a screwup. Persistent, determined, but everything he does seems to backfire in his face. He's a juvenile, impulsive trickster as opposed to his twin Apate liking to plan things out ahead of time, or the more experienced Loki actually picking his battles intelligently.

He's also a child of Erebos & Nyx(which his parents try to downplay when company is over, I'm sure), an apprentice to Prometheus at his forge at the base of Olympus(x-thousand years and he's still an apprentice? Weak.) and he's played by Seth Green.

Dolos has a much more unique approach to trickery than other deities of similar powers. It might be genius. It might be retarded, or it could be somewhere between the two. Dolos is actually very smart, which is a trait only few in his life know about. Prometheus, Alathea and Apate come to mind mostly. His constantly acting like a moron is a smokescreen to make you believe he couldn't harm a fly, while at the same time he's pulling the rug out from under your feet.

Case in point, Dolos and Zeus had an incident where they didn't exactly see eye to eye. Dolos snuck into Zeus' temple and stole his thunderbolts as revenge, hastily then selling them to Moros for a sack of cash. That cash turned into a Vegas spree which allowed him to disappear from the scene for awhile while Moros went after Zeus and did the dirty work for him. The fact that Moros failed and this resulted in Dolos' ass getting severely handed to him by a pissed off Zeus is beside the point. He also tricked Makaria into marrying him when Hades was out of commission for a short time, becoming King Dolos of the Underworld... for five minutes, until Hades chose that moment in time to get better. Like I said, the guy gets pretty far considering he works on the fly. It's just bad luck that everything blows up in his face sooner or later.

I am Dolos' first and so far only player. That being said, if you had past interactions with Dolos I am well aware of them. If you would like future interactions, this is the time and place to let your ideas flow. I have one or two ideas for DDC, but other than that he's generally open for plot at the moment.

- Steve

5 of 5 [06 Jan 2008|01:24am]
I give you Helios, Greek Titan God of the Sun, the Gift of Sight, and a Guardian of Oaths, played by Anthony Kiedis. And with this I am finally back from my hiatus in full force.

Helios' role in mythology is both interesting and boring. The boring part is that he has a chariot of four pegasi that he rides around the sky in all day(wait, boring?), pulling the sun behind him. Back in mythological times the Earth was a very flat place, so during the day he would drag the sun across the sky and during the night he would do normal night time stuff. However, we now know that the Earth is indeed round, so an alteration or two had to be made to that myth. Helios, in fact, is up in the air pulling the sun around the planet 24-7, because it's always daytime somewhere. Because of this he, number one, has an endless amount of energy, never needing to sleep or even rest, and number two is always bilocating when you're playing with him in DDC.

Now for the more interesting stuff. He's very energetic, lighthearted and likes to have fun. And because he's awake and full of energy when everyone in his pantheon is asleep, it wouldn't exactly be a stretch to have him wander around and make friends with all the deities of different pantheons he sees as his high-in-the-sky form travels the Earth. Oh, and that's another thing. Helios is known as the 'All-Seeing, All-Hearing', among other titles, and is aware of everything that happens on both Olympus and the mortal plane during the day, when it's light out. For example, he's the one who first took note of what an omghobag Aphrodite is as he was flying up in the sky one day, and informed her husband(and his good buddy) Hephaestus of her cheating ways. Generally though Helios doesn't use his ability to spread information unless asked, and since he sees both the good and bad people do he tries not to judge too quickly.

Helios, as well as any of his children are easily identifiable by the bright, brilliant eyes the sun god has passed down to his offspring. One of the Seven Wonders of the World was created in his image, the Colossus of Rhodes. Also, Zeus had Hephaestus craft him a golden palace in the middle of the ocean where he lives, as thanks for his unending toil of dragging the sun through the air day after day. Oh, and though Zeus has burned Helios several times in the past(killing one of his children, denying to let him marry), Helios has his back 110%. Good luck messing with the king without the guardian stepping in your way.

I am Helios' first and so far only player. If you have previous interactions with Helios I know of them, and you are one of a very few. Helios will most likely be booked in DDC what with the war going on now and everything, but 'we should in the future' ideas and general HDC ideas are absolutely welcome. Long-term I have nothing planned for him yet, and would like to rectify that.

- Steve

Plot Chat Summary?! [06 Jan 2008|01:27pm]
The plot chat summary is posted! Log in to view and exclaim with glee!

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