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That's right, oh yes! [27 Dec 2007|12:06am]
Soter, we will miss you always!
Philammon, welcome back! AGAIN!

This time, I hope it's for the last time. How I have missed Philammon, god of musicians, son of Apollo.

If there's been any history between Phil and you, I KNOW ABOUT IT, HAHAHA!

Let's see.

Nyxie: Phil used to have a huge crush going on. Mega-huge. They ended up being very close friends instead. Which was good, because Philammon did NOT need to be deded by CRUSHING DARKNESS.

Apollo: Dad. Well, they've had their rough patches -- centuries of them. It isn't easy to get over the blinding and deafening of one's son, especially when one's son is the god of musical conceit. Philammon, to say the truth, is still not over his son's death or the fact that his father all but killed him (even though Thamrys may well have had it coming). But they can look at each other now. Even have coffee. It could be much worse.

Aphrodite: Does this really even need to be written down? Obviously we know what happened. It's Dite. But Philammon is grateful to her for helping him get over Calliope. He doesn't think he wants to hop into bed with her again (even though it really was the best he ever had) -- Phil just isn't that kind of guy.

Oizys: Best friend. Endostory.

Everyone else: Well, you're either out of the game, or we haven't done a LOT. But I expect we WILL! Oh yes! Yes, we will!

[ viewing | December 27th, 2007 ]
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