Pandemansion: A Pan Fandom RPG's Journal
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Pandemansion: A Pan Fandom RPG

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[14 May 2008|12:02pm]

[ mood | grumpy ]
[ music | 69 Eyes -- Frankenhooker ]

Who: The Faun -his faeries- and Open (To a Greeter.)
When: backdated to the night he was supposed to arrive, Evening.
Where: In the fountain, then out and around the mansion itself
What: He's arrived
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

I've been drawn into your magnet, tar-pit trap... )

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April 10th; Remus and Sirius [13 May 2008|05:20pm]

Who?: Remus Lupin and Sirius Black.
What?: Finding each other! - And realizing that something is VERY wrong with this picture.
When?: Afternoon
Where?: 4th Floor
Rating?: PG
Status?: In progress.
Note?: Moved to April 10th because... April 10th seemed dead.

Remus understood maps. )

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[09 May 2008|11:56am]

April 10th, year unknown, place unknown.

Loss of one of the senses still overwhelms most of the populace in the mansion. Although today there are random occurrences where this sense comes back. It may be for a few seconds, or a handful of minutes where this sense works just as well as always or a bit lacking. Some that have lost the sense of touch/feeling may experience a tingling feeling like a limb just waking up from blood loss. Those who have lost sight may experience a fuzzy haze or have moments where they can see better than ever before. Etc.

The outdoor weather is absolutely gorgeous. Temperatures rest in the low 80s and it is still humid from the day before though dissipating later on in the day.

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April 9, Arwen and anyone else who's around [06 May 2008|10:40pm]

Who?: Arwen, Talion, and ... anyone
What?: Arwen has an unpleasant wake-up call.
When?: Early morning
Where?: The mansion... the men's den.
Rating?: PG
Status? In Progress

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April 9th [05 May 2008|10:02pm]

Who: Max & Xena
What: An uncomfy meeting
When: Morning
Where: Outside the Mansion
Rating: PG-13 ( Would be more but the nudity isn't visual. LOL)
Status: In Progress

Max woke at 10:00am… )

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April 9th [04 May 2008|09:04pm]


Who?: The Doctor and greeter (Mod/or NPC)
What?: Entry landing
When?: Now, when ever now is? (April 9th-year unknown)
Where?: Tardis; Cardiff, Wales, and then the Purgatory Fountain
Rating?: G
Status? In progress

Am I dead? )

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April 9th; Sasuke and Neji [04 May 2008|02:19pm]

Who?: Uchiha Sasuke and Hyuuga Neji
What?: Dealing with sense-loss.
When?: April 9th; Early Morning
Where?: 2nd Floor Hallway, and then Neji's room
Rating?: PG-13
Status?: In progress.

Darkness. )

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April 9th, Hatake Kakashi and OTA(s) [04 May 2008|01:30pm]

Who?: Hatake Kakashi and OTA(s)
What?: Having Issues
When?: Early morning around 7am.
Where?: Out front of the mansion.
Rating?: PG-13 (for now)
Status?: In Progress

Morning Troubles )

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[04 May 2008|11:45am]

April 9th, year unknown, place unknown.

Doctor Who

Unfortunately due to some bid by the gods, most within the mansion are going to have a difficult day today. They will be mising ONE out of the FIVE senses. They will not be able to see, hear, smell, taste or feel today. As soon as possible cures or help will come, but until then those within these walls and the mansion's realm will have to suffer through the loss of one of these senses.

Temperatures are in the low 70s. Light spattering rain and high humidity offer little haven outside.

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April 8; Kakashi, Dr. Grimm, and OTA [28 Apr 2008|10:27am]

Who?: Hatake Kakashi, Dr. Grimm and OTA (contact if you want in)
What?: Aftermath of yesterday’s attack fire
When?: Very early morning, ~6am
Where?: Room 300
Rating?: PG-13 (for pain and possible gory talk)
Status? In Progress
Note: Spoiler warning for Naruto fandom – continuation of same spoilers as previous post by Sasuke. Spoilers up to chapter 397.

Milking for all it is worth )

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April 8th, Arrival of Mr. Sirius Black [25 Apr 2008|01:59pm]

Who?: Sirius Black and OTA
What?: His Arrival
When?: 1 o'clock
Where?: Muggle London, then the mansion
Rating?: To be safe, PG-13
Status? Complete

You took everything away from me. Now, you're going to pay! )

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April 8 - Arwen and... anyone really [25 Apr 2008|01:02pm]

Who?: Arwen, Legolas
What?: Arwen's Arrival
When?: April 8, Morning
Where?: Redhorn Gate -> The Mansion
Rating?: PG
Status? Open

Why did we take this route again? )

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[25 Apr 2008|10:03am]

April 8th, year unknown, place unknown.

Arwen Undomiel
Nina Windia
Sirius Black

The mansion has settled into a nice house. The only stirrings are those of rooms being changed around for the new arrivals.

Weather is great again today! Temperatures in the high 70s, bright blue skies with light puffy clouds speeding across.

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April 7; Sasuke, Kimimaro, Kakashi, Ash, and others [22 Apr 2008|06:29am]

Who?: Sasuke, Kimimaro, Kakashi, Ash [OTA]
What?: Kimimaro finds Sasuke. Things get out of hand. Way out of hand.
When?: April 7; Dusk
Where?: On the shore.
Rating?: Assumed R
Status?: In progress.
Note1?: SPOILER WARNING. There are some pretty big SPOILERS for the Naruto fandom! If you have not read all of Part II up to Chapter 397, then you will be SPOILED.
Note2?: Want to join in? Comment here. We'll tag you when we want you to enter or you can tap either me (Sasuke), Kimi, or Kakashi on the shoulder when you think it would be a good time for you to enter.

The sun was beginning to set beyond the horizon. )

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April 6th; Dream and Fred [22 Apr 2008|11:04am]

Who?: Dream and Fred.
What?: Socializing.
When?: April 6th, early afternoon.
Where?: The library.
Rating?: G
Status? In progress.

It was not nearly as impressive as the library in the Dreaming, nor as well organized... )

(OOC Note: I meant to post this before the day change, but was unable to due to traveling... I can backdate it so as not to confuse things too much, but I would prefer not to rewrite it for April 7th due to the presence of the faeries and just having an entire extra day to account for. It's taken me long enough to get this thing written and posted as it is and I would rather not put it off any longer. -_-;)

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I'll try to do it right this time around... [22 Apr 2008|01:15am]

WHO: Hannibal and Yuna [OTA on the beach if you want to join, but please ask first].
WHAT: Continuing to get to know one another, showing off her Aeons.
WHEN: April 7th, afternoon.
WHERE: Outside as some Aeons are large.
RATING: R for Hannibal's language.
STATUS: In progress...

To say that Yuna had been enjoying herself since arriving would be putting it lightly. There was no doubt she missed Spira very much those she left behind, but Hannibal had become an anchor for her in the few days she had known him. Being neighbors had its advantages because they were hanging out a lot since meeting. She loved that he could make her laugh, she appreciated his past because it made him unique and gave him character, and she was grateful for all the help he'd given her.

Today, Yuna wanted to show Hannibal her Aeons. Without the Fayth, it wasn't as easy to summon them as it used to be, but she could still pull it off. She chose a pink layered dressed and shoes that would slip off with ease once they hit the beach. She told herself that she wanted to look nice not so much for Hannibal, but because she would summoning.

Yuna left her room and walked the short distance to Hannibal's, rapping her knuckles softly thrice.

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April 7th, Dr. Grimm and OTA [21 Apr 2008|11:16am]

Who?: Dr. Grimm and OTA
What?: Meetings, whatever
When?: April 7th, Mid-Afternoon
Where?: Outside the mansion, at the Gazebo
Rating?: G, at the moment
Status? In Progress

Time for a little fresh air )

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April 7th, Kratos Aurion and OTA [20 Apr 2008|12:49pm]

Who?: Kratos Aurion and OTA
What?: Kratos's Arrival
When?: Early Afternoon
Where?: Derris-Kharlan, Mansion Foyer
Rating?: PG (unless whoever the greeter is changes that)
Status? Complete


Kratos cut down yet another monster wandering the massive Mana Comet, Derris-Kharlan. Having been here a year now, he had picked up the habit of regularly fighting these creatures as a form of entertainment. When he got tired, he merely took the warp-gate back to Cruxis’s former base of Welgaia, and Mithos’s former castle, where he spent the rest of his time in the castle’s library. This way --


-- both his mind and body were kept sharp. After all, his job was to be the comet’s guardian, and although nothing ever attacked, he had to be ready. He would generally stop fighting at 1000 monsters, go read a chapter or two of whatever book --


-- he found and got into, eat something, and then sleep a while. He was currently ten enemies away from his goal, but he really wanted to get back, now. That book was quite good. Best end this quick.

“Sacred Powers,” chanted the seraph as his transparent blue wings revealed themselves on his back, “cast thy purifying light upon these corrupt souls! Rest in peace sinners!” Then, raising his sword to the air, he called out, “Judgment!”

The beams of light rained down, destroying the closest ten monsters.


Sheathing his sword, Kratos turned and walked back towards the warp-gate as his wings faded away. Closing his eyes as the familiar feeling of the warp came over him, he began wondering what was going to happen next in his book.

But all thoughts of that left him when he opened his eyes. Before him was the inside of a beautiful mansion. Nearby, there was a small desk and, more noticeably, a grand fountain. However, this was not important. Kratos could sense it… the mana of living beings. There were people here. And that could only mean one thing. This was not Derris-Kharlan.

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April 7; Arrival of Remus [20 Apr 2008|11:48am]

Who?: Remus and Abby
What?: Arrival of Remus Lupin
When?: April 7; 2 o'clock in the morning
Where?: Remus's flat; Mansion foyer
Rating?: PG-13
Status?: Ongoing

Stumbling home at two o’clock in the morning was never Remus’s style... )

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[20 Apr 2008|10:45am]

April 7th, year unknown, place unknown.

Kratos Aurion
Remus Lupin

It will be such a beautiful day today! Bright blue skies, a cooling breeze popping up every now and then off the ocean, and a temperature in the mid to high 70s all day.

The mansion is quite calm today. It has made any remains of the fairies disappear, it was as if the little beings were never there.

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