Mar. 10th, 2012


Hi guys. So I know I said there'd be plot for March, well here it is, but it's late and there's not much because I'm neck deep in my dissertation right now (but I've started on April's too, as you can see). My course finishes at the end of this month so come April expect a kick up the bum. I'll put up more plot, I'll do more activity checks, I'll post adverts for fresh blood, I'll expand stuff and smarten things up. Got it? April. I'll try and think up a manager character by then as well so I can do as much of it as possible in character. Oh, and there will be memes too, because not enough of you have CDJs (if you do have CDJs, let me know! I'm [info]fuckyeahbadgers). Please comment below if you have groovy ideas for where the game could go. I have a few which I will implement... in April!

I love all you guys for your talent and tenacity and for being lovely :-) Don't worry, I'll be keeping it as a relaxed place, just with more going on for those of you who are around and getting rid of folks who have no intention of playing. Mwah! Adieu, my lovelies.

Dec. 17th, 2011


For those of you who never met Miss Piggy, since she's apparently back...

Miss Piggy is more correctly known as Portia Imgoen Gould, however, she answers to Miss Piggy as well as Portia because she thinks at least it is a sign of respect. Portia has bullimia. She also has histrionic personality disorder which gives her a tendency towards the melodramatic, and erotomania which manifests as a conviction that Kermit Green, a mild-mannered theater manager, is in love with her. She wants to be an actress and a singer and since she's in this horrible prison, is at least determined to bring it some culture via The Arts. She flirts with most things with a penis, and can come on raaaaather strong. She can be violent, but this usually springs from perceived rejection. She can also be very pleasant when she wants to be, although if the focus shifts from her for too long she will very deliberately bring it back.

p.s. I've put up a cast as Miss P even though no one volunteered to audition. If you want to be in the play, just let me know which role you want. There are four guys and one girl to cast... the girl gets the small parts because obviously Miss Piggy took all the good female roles.


I've been having some thoughts about doctors. We've always said that patients can have more than one doctor; I think I'd like to make this the norm. This will be announced in character in the New Year but I wanted to give you guys (your patients or doctors) the opportunity to opt out if you wish and put in requests for doctors or patients if you don't just want me to allocate. (I do have some ideas...)

I'm hoping that having each patient with two doctors will mean that you're more likely to get to thread therapy sessions at any given point in time, and will also open up more interaction between doctors, as they can collaborate on a case.

Oct. 5th, 2011


Plot for October

Okay, here goes, first plot post. Please volunteer for things!

ETA: And please reply even if you don't want to volunteer for anything, so I can check you're still around. Thanks!

I may have got overexcited about Halloween )

Oct. 2nd, 2011


Status of threads

As always, let me know if you want to keep going with an 'abandoned' thread, or you want to mark something as complete.

Complete/abandoned )

In progress and open )

Jul. 25th, 2011


Status of threads

Alison, if you did this more often, it would be more useful and would not take you so long.

Anyway, for those of you who weren't here for the last one - this is the supposedly regular status of threads list. It will tell you of new completed threads for your reading pleasure, it will tell you what threads you are still in and which it is your turn on. It even links you to them. If you want to move something to or from the abandoned list, let me know.

Complete/abandoned )

In progress and open )

Jan. 20th, 2011


We're starting tomorrow guys :-) Just reminding you. If you haven't given me stuff I need - room numbers etc. - let me know or I'll start chasing you and waving a stick. I'm nice like that. Also, I'm in GMT but since we're set in America, we'll go with central time (so as to be nice and in the middle). Don't post before 12.01am central time! Because I know you're all poised over your "update" buttons ;-)

Remember, there was a fire at Cheshire so a bunch of new patients are being transported in to Nest Hill and there'll be a bit of chaos. In character introductions go in [info]nesticeboard, which is (in game) a big noticeboard in the common room people stick notes to. Say hi, and reply to the ooc intros too (yes, I know that goes for me too - I've been busy!)

Happy playing!

Jan. 17th, 2011


Quick note - the cord to my laptop died today (luckily I saw it coming at the weekend and ordered a new one which should be here in a couple of days) so that's why I'm not replying to stuff. Bad mod!

Jan. 16th, 2011


Its Juliet aka mun of everyone's mega perky if sweetly kooky IT pro Edward with her newest kid, Zoe Graystone from the now toast Caprica. She's new to the staff and is going to be a library assistant and part time tutor. Beyond the hospital she's a psychology major at a nearby college simply working to cover what her scholorship does not cover. She's also my first trip into Caprica as a fandom character wise.

Since I had to adjust a ton of backstory thanks to Caprica being in the future I'll just refer everyone to her journal for details. Otherwise she and Ed are both open for any and all plotting!

In the meantime (yes I'm dropping a hint for a doctor) anyone game to consider Owen Harper from Torchwood for a line? I know its an unusual idea but Zoe could use a friend at the moment. I'm also thinking about bringing in Violet from Lemony Snicket as a patient in the near future.

ETA: Storyline list now in the journal.


Meme time! An adapted version of Cliff, shag, marry. Out of the characters we have so far, you need to pick one to shag, one to marry, and one to push off a cliff. In character, please :-P If you don't know the fandoms, feel free to be shallow and base on attractiveness of PB ;-)

(Character quick ref: Faith-Zoe-Ed-TheDoctor-Rose-Peter-Rowan-Daniel-Juliet-Don-MissPiggy-Lucy-Puff-Jo-Sam)

Jan. 10th, 2011



So only one person has specified a preference for whether we wait one week or two, so... two weeks it is. We will be opening on
21st January.
Advertising ahoy!

Don't forget, [info]cuckoosegg is there for you to play backstory in, including the end days of Cheshire, so you can do that in advance of the game starting.

Jan. 5th, 2011


I know, IJ's been down. SAD TIMES. We'll still try and kick off on Friday if we can. In the meantime...

I need patients to pick room numbers and doctors. Yes, we currently only have two doctors, which doesn't give you a lot of choice. You will be able to change doctors as soon as we get more, so don't fret if neither are a perfect match... basically just decide if you want a nice doctor or a mean doctor ;-)

Please read game rules and hospital rules. The hospital rules are more specific than Cheshire, partly to make sure everyone is on the same page (as that seemed to be one of the main problems towards the end) and partly to model Nest Hill after some real-life hospitals experienced by your loony mod team :-P

Optional: you can suggest most wanted characters here and fill in any contact gaps here. If you have any feedback or suggestions, comment wherever seems appropriate or email herringprincess at gmail dot com.

The in-game story is that Faith managed to burn down Cheshire, at least enough to render it uninhabitable for the moment. Patients have been transferred elsewhere, many to this fine establishment. The move will take place on Friday.

These patients have transferred: Faith, 10th Doctor, Miss Piggy, Puff, Daniel
These staff members have transferred: Juliet, Ed.
These patients were already in Nest Hill: Rose
These staff members were already in Nest Hill: Lucy
New patients: Don, Peter
New staff: Zoe

Please confirm your character's status (new, existing, transferred) and let me know if you want to cancel any of their history from Cheshire :-)

Excited to start playing with you!