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Apr. 16th, 2012


Posted the board on Sunday

I er- seem to have mislaid a chocolate bunny. Has anyone found it?


Posted to the board, Friday late morning

WHOEVER put cellophane on the TOILET is going to be SORRY. SO, SO SORRY.

Mar. 16th, 2012


Pinned to the board

Wasn't that a lovely little party? There were some lovely talents on display there, very nice. The judges were very kind too. Very encouraging of people with less talent experience. I do hope we can do that again sometime. I would so win in a rematch.

Feb. 8th, 2012


Pinned to the board

I have cake. No, I'm not just showing off. You can come and eat the cake. However, if you are one of these strange American types who think birthday cake should be accompanied by ice-cream, you are sore out of luck. Also weird. Also American, which is much the same thing.

Jan. 24th, 2012


I change shapes just to hide in this place...

Jan. 17th, 2012


Backdated to Friday 13th, written in huge letters and pinned obnoxiously in the center of the board



Posted to the board, first thing Monday morning

I've mentioned this to a few of you already, but thought I'd post up a sign-up sheet. Nest Hill is setting up a befriender programme. What that basically means is that volunteers from the wider community - thoroughly screened and checked of course - will be coming to visit you if you wish. They can be your friend, your confidante, your mentor, or your advocate - whatever it is you need. I should probably add that whilst this is entirely optional, those of you who view Nest Hill as a prison more than a hospital should note than an ability to communicate and form relationships with people outside of the hospital will speak volumes about your future ability to reintegrate into society. If you're interested, sign your name below. You can also submit any questions here and I'll do my best to answer them.

Jan. 6th, 2012


Pink sticky note attached to the board )

Jan. 2nd, 2012


Dec. 29th, 2011


...this way comes...

Yellow Post-It® written with purple Sharpie® )

Dec. 28th, 2011


[character intro - Peter Petrelli from Heroes]

Ripped out piece of notebook paper taped to the board. )

Dec. 17th, 2011


Tada! I bring you the cast of "A Christmas Carol." It was a disappointing turn out, but with a little doubling up, we should be able to pull it off.

MARLEY’S GHOST - Silvester Payne
FIRST SPIRIT - Karen Lasko
SECOND SPIRIT - Icy Thornsin
THIRD SPIRIT - Paul Ufford
NEPHEW FRED - Silvester Payne
KATE, FRED'S WIFE - Portia Gould
MRS. CRATCHIT - Portia Gould
POOLE & LAMB, CHARITY COLLECTORS - Silvester Payne and Karen Lasko
TINY TIM CRATCHIT`- Silvester Payne
GUESTS #1, #2, #3 - Karen Lasko, Icy Thornsin, Rowan Harkin
OLD JOE - [Name D]
CHARWOMAN - Icy Thornsin
MRS. DILBER - Portia Gould
URCHIN - Icy Thornsin
BUSINESSMAN #1, #2, #3 - Silvester Payne, Icy Thornsin, Rowan Harkin
CAROLERS #1, #2, #3 - Portia Gould, Karen Lasko, Icy Thornsin
YOUNG SCROOGE - Rowan Harkin (aged 9), [name D] (aged 16 and 22)

Dec. 14th, 2011


Happy b-day to me.

Dec. 13th, 2011


Note slipped under Dr Burke's door )

Dec. 12th, 2011


Congratulations to those of you helped with the decorations! They have made everything much more festive. Of course, if moi had been involved they would have been a lot more tasteful, but one cannot deprive people of their artistic expression. On that note, I feel that what we are missing here is a little culture, and for this reason am proposing that we put on a performance of A Christmas Carol for the delight and education of all! Sign up below if you would like to be involved, and we will have auditions on Wednesday in the common room. There are a number of parts, including smaller roles for those of you with the passion but without the - ah - talent for a lead. There is room for all in the realm of theatre!

Dec. 1st, 2011


Written on a napkin and taped up )

Nov. 29th, 2011


scrawled, hurried and crooked, underneath Desmond's notice )

Nov. 27th, 2011



Tacked purposefully on top of Dr. Insano's large script

Nov. 26th, 2011


written in a neat loopy script

Hello everyone my name is Dr. Lucy Stillman. I've just joined the staff here and I hope everyone is doing well. To my patients and colleagues I look forward to meeting you.

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