our true selves.

February 14th, 2010

our true selves.


February 14th, 2010

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Who: Ted Holloway, Juli Cooper (NPC; CORE Paper-Pusher)
When: About thirty minutes after this exchange.
Where: Agency offices, London.
What: Ted MTN-hops to try and coax some information out of CORE personnel. He manages to secure the guard rotation, but has to get creative in order to keep his cover. Luck in love, thy name is not Ted Holloway.

He was going to wind up on a Valentine's date with the nosiest woman in CORE. He just knew it. )

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Who: Josh Blake and Jen Hill
What: Jen is staying for the weekend while Jay and Sarah are doing the Valentine's thing, she and Josh get research-y (read: cute).
Where: Josh's apartment in Boston
When: Backdated to Saturday night, February 13th
Warnings: Hardcore Nerdiness.
Status: Incomplete

This is all very Oliver and Dinah, except it's Steph and Jason. So weird. )
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