our true selves.

December 11th, 2009

our true selves.


December 11th, 2009

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Amy got in touch with me last night to say that she's currently in the hospital. Obviously this means that she won't be around for a bit. If you have characters involved with hers in the Dare War then just have your characters do what they can alone.

I have a number for her if anyone wants to get in touch and she will be trying to check her e-mail on her phone when she can. If she's going to be there for a while then she's going to try to get her laptop.

If you want her number then just let me know. I'm sure we all wish her a speedy recovery.

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Hello again, OTS! Rae here, with character number...fuck it, I lost count.

This is Indigo Lawson. She's twenty, designs shiny things for your characters to wear, and lives in Milan. You may recognize the name from the NPC page, as she's one of Sarah Evans old friends from boarding school! Her dad is a big time politician who works at the Italian embassy, her mom is a rich flake who lives in Paris, and she spends a whole lot of her time traveling around since her entire social circle is so spread out.

Indigo is the reincarnate of Jamie Vegas. Bonus points if you don't need an explanation, but for those of you that do: she was a TV star necromancer from Kelly Armstrong's Women of the Underworld series. So, thanks to Jamie, Indigo can talk to dead people. She doesn't particularly like it, either, but there's nothing she can do about it. Every so often, she spaces out and looks like she's talking to herself, when really, she's trying to make the ghosts go away!

I'll have her first post up soon. Until then, check out her profile!

Happy gaming!

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Misha here, with my third pretty boy. This is Tristan Ellison, a motivational speaker out of Chicago. He got his start in LA but moved to Chicago a few years ago. He's known about his headmate for a couple of years, and it's been a bit of an adjustment for him. He's Elphaba Thropp's reincarnate. Elphaba is the name Gregory Maguire gave The Wicked Witch in Wicked, loosely based on The Wizard Of Oz. Tristan's PB is David Phelps, bonus points if you know who he is. Heh. He is known as "The Voice" in gospel music circles, and if you favor Christmas music, you should hear him sing O Holy Night.

His app is right here, and his first post is here!. Please friend him and reply to him and make him feel welcome. I've got to get Dex and Eamon active this weekend, too. I've had a rough week with one of my little darlings at work and have done almost no active RP for days. I miss it!)

I am can be found on AIM as CeruleanInzanity and i will be on later this evening. Email is CelticFaerie2x[at]gmail[dot]com.
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