our true selves.

December 10th, 2009

our true selves.


December 10th, 2009

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The chaos plot officially starts tomorrow so I want to take a moment to say the following things.

If I nag too much, stress you out too much or if you think I'm being too demanding then tell me to take a break. This is the first massive plot I've run and I feel like it's important to the game so I might go a little overboard with... everything. If you think I'm being too hard on anyone then just let me know.

The plot is important, but it's more important that everyone has fun. If you're not having fun with it, you want to get more involved or less involved or something happens so you want to change something then just let me know. Working around you guys is the most important thing, and stuff can always be worked out.

This is the most important part, so listen up. You are all amazing, wonderful players and I couldn't ask for better. You put up with me nagging and being a spazz, which is an amazing feat all by itself. I know you're all going to do a fab job over the next two month, because you've all managed to make the game so brilliant, fun and amazing up until now!

Don't forget how amazing you all are. Even when I'm being a naggy spazz.
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