our true selves.

October 20th, 2009

our true selves.


October 20th, 2009

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I'm baaaack!

I have been keeping up with everything that's been going on, but if something needs my vital attention then just link me to it and I'll get right on it.

Remember, you have until this Saturday to get your CORE leader proposals in. Sheena and I will be going through them and discussing them, and finally making a decision then. If you have yet to apply for the position but you want it then you've only got a little bit of time left!

The Halloween plot has been announced. Read over everything there, if you have any questions then you can ask me, Sheena or Claudie as she's running the plot.

The group chat is scheduled for the 31st October, I know this is Halloween so if you have plans and won't be able to attend then please let us know so we can reschedule.

You know you all missed my nagging! :D

- Katy
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