our true selves.

October 19th, 2009

our true selves.


October 19th, 2009

OTS Hallowe'en plot!

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Hi everyone! Claudie here with the Hallowe'en details.

We'll be starting our Haunted House plot on Monday 26th October which will go on until Hallowe'en so anyone who wants to be involved, please take a look at the following! It is mod approved and will be running from the 26th Oct to the 1st Nov to give people enough time to take part. If you have any questions, please just ask!

On to the details! )

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Going to be out of town, out an about with my sisters for the next two weeks. I'll try to keep up with any current threads, but I may or may not have much internet time, so tags will probably be slow. Try not to have too much fun without us!

New member, here!

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My name is Heather and I am bringing in Peter Reed, or sometimes known as Prince Charming. :)

Peter is the older brother of one Roz Reed ([info]you_can_die_too), lives in a swanky apartment and is a top notch lawyer in their father's law firm located in Los Angeles. Things you need to know about Pete? Well, he's kind of an obliviously conceited prick. He means well, but when he's not in the office he tends to put his foot in his mouth in the worst way, especially when it comes to interacting with his beloved sister. At times it can seem like it's actually more calculating than an accident, but either way he always seems to play the dumb card, and play it pretty well. He is very concerned with his looks and his money, preferring to live in absolute comfort and give off the best possible impression than go out of his way to do things for others (except of course when it comes to his job). He's not an out right dick, but honestly, he has too much in the way of good looks and wealth to ever be all that considerate! :P Slightly different around his family though, with both his parents he's a huge suck up and when he's not deliberately tormenting Roz, he actually makes a sincere effort to be big brotherly towards her. Might back fire, but he still tries, which is more than you can say for anybody else he interacts with socially. He loves the ladies, though he doesn't love them long time because no female can ever seem to keep his attention for that long. However whenever Charming is in charge, he is quite insistent on Pete spending most of his time scouring the country side for "THEE ONE" girl, instead of a bunch of ones. And it annoys the hell out of him. XD Ummm but yeah! Other than that? Read his profile in his character journal (http://goldentool.insanejournal.com/383.html#cutid1) if you want more in depth info!

My AIM SN is pumpkinnneater and my e-mail address is goodasgranger@yahoo.com, feel free to ping me just to say hi or to plot because I am always down for either! I can't wait to start playing with you guys!
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