our true selves.

September 26th, 2009

our true selves.


September 26th, 2009

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Hey everyone, Sheena here, with a few important announcements.

01. Please remember that anonymous commenting is not allowed, no matter what the occasion. If you're unsure of the rules, please don't hesitate to go back and reread them, they're not changing or going anywhere anytime soon.

02. Due to the lack of members online, we've canceled the group chat for the evening. Remember, don't hesitate to let us know if you won't be around. We won't jump down anyone's throats if they've got a doctor's appointment or just don't want to be a part of it for a night. So, please, get a hold of Katy and myself any way you can. We're trying to get everyone acquainted, at least a bit. We've all been in games where interaction between players was more awkward than a first date, and we're striving for OTS not to be one of them! If you guys would like, we can simply reschedule the chat for next weekend. Again, let us know.

03. Communication is becoming something of an issue. If you have something you'd like to get off your chest, or if you have an idea, or anything comes to mind, please just let us know. Our e-mail addresses have not changed, but I'm afraid we can't all make this work unless we communicate. So, please. Read e-mails, respond -- we read everything that comes into our inboxes.

That's it for now. Thank you all for your time!
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