our true selves.

September 25th, 2009

our true selves.


September 25th, 2009


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This is a very important mod post guys. If you fail to read this then you’ll probably be slightly confused over the upcoming weeks and months.

I am very frazzled right now. Sheena’s got a lot of real life stuff going on and at the moment I am pretty much running the game single handed. I don’t mind doing this, real life must always come first but it’s beginning to take its toll on me a little bit. This is why I’m going to need your help, and we’re going to be making a few changes to make my life a bit easier.

- We’re opening up the leader position of CORE to everyone who plays in the game. To apply for this position you will need to fill out the following application form and E-Mail it to us.

Your name:
The character you’re putting forward as leader:
Their current position:
Your plans for CORE: (Please put as much detail as possible in this section, as it’s what we’ll be judging).

This is obviously a very important position within the game and you should only apply for it if you think that you’re going to be dedicated to the role, you’ll also need to work closely with both of us when formulating plots and putting them into action. You will also be in charge of plotting CORE’s actions, as well as directing their reactions to events. There’s currently only one thing on the calendar planned for CORE, but even that can be negotiated.

Adam will remain as second in command, so you won’t be going into this without any IC modly support. I just can’t run the organisation IC any longer.

- As well as opening up the position of CORE leader, I want to push you all into taking a more active role within Camelot, the Agency and CORE. Put ideas forward IC, plot fights between people, espionage against the other side or just random acts of war. Sheena and I will always be around to help you guys out, but we can’t keep taking the lead all the time. We’ll react to whatever you come up with and work with it IC.

If you have ideas for a plot that you want to run then contact the mods. We will help you as much as we possibly can to do an excellent job.

- Part of our effort to take some of the focus of our leadership, as well as trying to make the game more focused on the overall plot, is going to involve the capping of ‘undecided’ characters. Those that don’t have a side will no longer be allowed in the game until the numbers go down.

Your new character doesn’t have to enter the game as a member of an organisation, but we need to know what side they’ll end up on and how they’ll get onto that side. If you do wish to have your characters enter the game as part of Camelot, CORE or the Agency then that’s fine. All of the organisations have been going on for many, many years and there are probably lots of people that just don’t yet use the journals.

- It will be your responsibility to keep us updated with the information that goes on the various lists we’ve got all over the mod journal, and a lack of information will lead to IC consequences.

From now on a character must be listed in the mod journal as being a member of CORE, Camelot or The Agency in order to see the filtered posts. I don’t care how many conversations they might have had with the leaders, if their name isn’t on the list then they’re not allowed to see the private info. It’s your responsibility to make sure they end up on that list, because I just can’t keep track of everything.

Also, if your character is lacking an E-Mail address on the IC contact page then they can no longer send or receive E-Mail in game. Again, it’s down to you to supply us with this information.

We try to keep the game as up to date as possible, but with 84 characters in the game, and the number set to rise once applications re-open it’s just becoming impossible to keep track of everything. We need you to help us with this.

- To conclude, we are not abandoning the game or giving up running plots or events for you all and we’re not about to put it all on your shoulders, it’s just that we can’t keep up the level of work that the game needs without help. It’s why we need you to try and help us out while we also try to make a few changes to make it easier for you all to plot and plan.

Thank you all for being awesome and making this a fun game to run. This isn't a reflection on any of you, I just honestly need some help (IC and OOC) keeping the place going as well as it has been. Hopefully together, we can make it even better.

Meme time!

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Everyone knows and loves the insanity that is TV Tropes. If you're anything like me, you've probably wasted hours there in an endless cycle of links as you open up another interesting tab in Firefox to read all about 'That One Guy' or something else equally random.

So for this meme, you will leave a comment and then people will reply with the tropes they think fit your character. It can be them, their relationships with people or their position within the game. Be as inventive as you like, and if you want to have your character react to the tropes assigned to it then go ahead. This will hopefully be a fun way to see what other people think of your character.

When looking for tropes the Main index is a good place to start. If you miss something off, don't worry about it. There are a lot of Tropes, and it's bound to happen.
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