our true selves.

September 14th, 2009

our true selves.


September 14th, 2009

Plot, and a request for info.

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The illness plot is now over!

The cure is in all major hospitals so feel free to have your people recover. I want to thank you all for taking part, it was made amazing because of you lot.

The submition post for the secrets event will go up on Friday, ready to have them posted on the 26th. So you might want to start thinking about and working on them.

I still need a lot of information from you, especially considering that a lot more people are signed up to CORE now. I'm going to try to fill in what I can, and I know there's still a lot of stuff I need to add from the last post. However, if you can look over them all and submit anything that's missing that would be amazing. If any of the info pages are missing anything you want to know then please just leave a comment and I'll get around to filling in the gaps.

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