our true selves.

September 13th, 2009

our true selves.


September 13th, 2009


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Submit your gossip here!

Gossip doesn't have to be about your characters, or even submitted in character, and any gossip we don't use straight away gets saved in a document waiting to be used if we need it. We just like recent juicy stuff!

Comments are screened, and gossip will be posted next weekend.

Thank you!

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It's the kiss meme!

Reply to this post with a comment from your character's journal and others will reply to it in character saying how they would kiss your character. For example, a peck on the cheek, with lots of tongue, after a fight, to shut them up, drunkenly, or to sexually experiment. Just use your imagination!

As always, knowledge can't be taken IC, and this is just for fun. We'll do this style of meme for a while and then go back to the lists. If you have an idea for a meme topic then you can IM me, e-mail me or use the mod drop box.

Thank you!
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