our true selves.

August 4th, 2009

our true selves.


August 4th, 2009

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One day we'll manage to go through a whole week without the mods hassling you guys, I promise!

Just a couple of things. The CORE info page is done. If you have someone who should be on the list, or who you want to be involved with the bad guys then let us know. Come on, the bad guys have cookies and more fun! They even have a vague mission statement now, something we were slacking on just a tiny little bit.

Another thing is that Katy's put together a bunch of OTS related links on her delicious account and they can be found here. It's mostly links to city blogs and college websites but there's also information on fighting styles and weaponry. If there are any links you think should be on there, or anything you think should be covered but isn't then let us know.

If you need clarifcation on any of the info pages that have gone up over the last few days then please ask.
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