our true selves.

August 3rd, 2009

our true selves.


August 3rd, 2009


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August 10th, 2019.

The war’s been over for a month, or at least it’s stopped. An epic battle that lead to the deaths of many finally forced CORE and Camelot to accept a new peace deal. They’ve both retreated to their respective corners to lick their wounds and life has begun to get back to normal for the reincarnate society. The Agency is rebuilding their ranks, and their HQ after it was destroyed by CORE.

Most importantly, life goes on.


That’s the very basic premise for next week. We’ll work everything around what ideas you all have that fits in with it.

Now what we need from you is a basic description of what your characters have been doing for those ten years. Have they been fighting in the war? Do they have their dream job? Get married? Have children? Did they go into hiding and are just coming back to the world of reincarnations now a peace deal has been brokered? Are they dead? Did they kill anyone?

We’re asking for this information for two reasons, to check that it doesn’t contradict with the general idea for what it’s like in ten years, and to make sure that everyone’s on the same page. A lot of these people would have spent the last ten years communicating with each other, fighting together and hanging out together. It makes sense that everyone knows what’s been going on.

You can give it to us in bullet points, it doesn’t have to be comprehensive, and we’ll be very flexible about things changing as the week goes on. It’s also only one possible future and this doesn’t have to be how your characters end up, think of it being a week that’s outside of usual game continuity and go nuts.

The plot will run from Monday 10th to Sunday 16th. If you wish to change your PB to an older PB during this week then you may, but you don't have to. PB's must not be taken already and are on a first come first served basis.

episode zero: in which the master becomes the apprentice

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Hi all! It's a Li-li here with character number four:

Joy Paxton will be joining the ranks of the Star Wars ensemble as a snarky little Yoda (played by Mika Boorem). She's a college freshman, almost 21, who has just sworn off drinking due to the fact that she woke up with the Master of Jedi masters in her head, scolding her, after partying a little to hard post-finals.

So yes. She's a brand new incarnate, has no idea how to use the Force, so don't anyone call her Padawan. Or she will think at you. Very hard. She will!

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Okay gang. In light of Sia’s dramatic exit we’ve decided to cover a few things just to make sure there’s no confusion.

All mod correspondence is from both mods regardless of who send the E-Mail or wrote the post. We will use our own journals for personal communication, plotting and playing. Just because Katy writes most of the communication doesn’t mean it’s just from her. It’s from both of us.

We encourage you to come up with your own plots. We want you all to have your relationships, your fights and come up with anything you want to, and we want you to come up with game wide plots that we can run. However, the game’s getting to the point where it will have more structure.

It’s getting from being a game about these characters adjusting to who they are; to a game where they’re adjusting to a situation they’ve been thrust into, a war. As a result there’s going to be lots of mod controlled things, who joins the various organisations and plot points throughout the game will in the end be decided on by us.

The story is unfolding, you all play the main characters and can influence it to the point where your actions will decide who wins but it’s no longer free form RPGing. If you don’t feel like you can play in a game where you might end up constricted by the storyline then this might not be the game for you.

We don’t want to control everything you do with your characters, and we will give everyone plenty of opportunity to get involved with the plot because we don’t want everyone to get left out. However we also want a certain amount of realism, your characters might have to do something to get involved, and something that they do might actually lead to them having problems joining up to a specific group.

We ask you to let us know about any big plot points because we really, really want to work around you. If your bad guy wants to blow up a bank then we’ll help you timeline it so it gets the most attention possible and maybe even suggest something to give it maximum impact. In return we’ll let you know about mod ordered game plot points in advance so that they can be planned and plotted out by you. We have a Google Calendar, and if you have a gmail/Google account then we’ll let you see it so that you know what’s coming up.

We won’t lie, there will be times when we ask a million questions to understand something your character’s done and maybe even ask how they reached a specific conclusion. This isn’t because we’re targeting you, it’s because we’re genuinely confused and want to know what’s going on. There will also be times when we’ll have to say no to things, this isn’t personal. Some things just won’t work in the game we’ve created, and sometimes it will be a matter of timing and things just won’t work at the time it’s being pitched. Again, this doesn’t mean anything personally.

If at any point you have any questions about anything then it’s easy to get in touch with either of us. Katy is reachable at uneasy lies on AIM and at katyhaughey[at]gmail[dot]com, and Sheena’s reachable at lennonologies on AIM and at iightupmysky[at]aol[dot]com. You can also PM the mod journal or leave a comment on any number of mod posts. We have a lot of them because we like informing you of things as they change.

If you want clarification on anything here, or anything at all then please just leave a comment.

ETA: This should take you to the OTS google calendar. So now you all know what we have planned!
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