our true selves.

July 10th, 2009

our true selves.


July 10th, 2009

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Hi guys.

So my parents are dragging me off to North Carolina and Tennessee starting on Monday. I have no idea how long we're going to be gone, sadly. It's possible we're going to drive around until we start killing each other. Oh roadtrips with your parents when you're almost 30, fun times. Considering we're going to be in the car most of the time, I'll be generally not around except for whenever we stop for the evening (wifi permitting).

If you guys need me, best bet is to email me cause I can at least get those from my phone.

- Jewels [Taylor, Lucinda and Esther]

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Hello, all! It's Bella - you're probably tired of me by now, but what can I say, I am completely addicted to this game. This time, I bring with me Matilda Martin, the reincarnate of Luna Lovegood and Ben Martin's (the reincarnate of Harry Potter) daughter. She's a pretty straightforward girl - 34 years old, a dentist, once married and later divorced, and firmly on the side of Good. You can find more information about her in her profile - I'm looking forward to getting her involved in the game! :D
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