our true selves.

July 9th, 2009

our true selves.


July 9th, 2009

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Hey guys!

It's Katy here with my fifth character, here is Jacob 'Jake' Harrison and he's sharing brain space with Mal Reynolds from Firefly. He's PBed by Chris Evans and he's actually a Captain. Really. Technically. For 39 days out of the year anyway.

Some info about him:

- He's from a huge military family. Both of his siblings are in the military, as were his parents before they retired.
- He was in the United States Air Force (it's how he's a Captain), and even went to the Air Force Academy, but left after his five years commitment was up due to the death of his wife and needing to bring up his son. He's now a reservist.
- He married his high school sweetheart, and had a kid (Aaron, aged six) with her but she died in a car accident in Germany.
- He did a tour of duty in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
- He now lives in Dallas and sells cars for a living. He hates his job so much.
- He has a sense of humour, although he doesn't think he's particularly funny.
- He's not looking for a relationship at all.
- If you mess with his family/crew he swears by Mal's pretty floral bonnet that he will end you.

I will be keeping military details to a minimum, because although I've done research I don't know absolutely everything and I'd rather be vague than wrong. If you know that I've messed up anywhere then just let me know, and as always I'm up for plotting and can be found on AIM at uneasy lies.
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