our true selves.

July 5th, 2009

our true selves.


July 5th, 2009

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And I'm back with yet another new character! This is Bella, bringing a Bela with me - Bela Talbot, that is, from Supernatural, in the form of one Calista Harvey. Call her Cal, though. If you call her Calista, you'll probably lose a very important body part. ;)

Some highlights:

→ She's 19, lives in London, and is preparing to study archaeology and anthropology at the University of London.
→ She and Bela don't get along very well. Cal thinks Bela is despicable, and Bela thinks Cal is ridiculous.
→ Cal has daddy issues. Surprise, surprise.
→ Unbeknownst to Cal, Bela sometimes takes control of her body when she's sleeping and gets into all kinds of different shenanigans - mainly just restoring (or recreating, actually) her reputation as a "procurer of unique items for a select clientele" and filling up a bank account under her name and not Cal's. Just in case, you know. She's a sneaky bitch, that Bela.

All this information and more can be found in her profile! :)

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Beth (of the Ted/Max/etc. etc. variety) with her very last alt: Kent Caldwell, reincarnate of the original series version of James T. Kirk. Kent in short:

→ He's a doctor (not an escalator).
→ He's also a practical joker. The jokes are harmless but often fairly annoying - think index cards atop fan blades which go everywhere when you flip the wall switch.
→ Jim hasn't been in Kent's head for long, but he's really vocal.
→ He's a Georgia boy, born and raised, but he's now living and working in San Francisco.
→ He will answer to 'Jim' without thinking about it, which still weirds him out when he realizes what he's doing.
→ Sometimes he slips into 'Captain mode,' which is really just a variant of overprotective 'big brother mode.' I'm sorry in advance, Enterprise reincarnates: he's probably going to try and 'look out for you,' whether you need it or not.

Anyway! His profile is here, and as always I'm totally up for plot.

I wish meme... part 2.

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There are lots of new people (HI!!!) and new characters (we have 90 now. My mind, it is BLOWN) so even though it's been less than a month since the last time we did this I'm going to give it another go! Hopefully it'll be just as successful as last time!

This is called the ‘I wish…’ meme. Let me explain.

I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m useless at IMing people, and although I like plots I’m not very good at pitching them to people. I like to go with the flow a lot of the time and see what happens, which is fun but sometimes there are things that I wish I could play out but that I don’t really get around to doing because it never really happens.

This is where the meme comes in. This is for all those ideas you have and wish would happen, and hopefully someone else will look at them and go ‘Yes! That’s an awesome idea! Let’s do it!’ This can be anything from a particular type of relationship to having a particular character brought in and the ideas you’d have for their interaction.

Just list them all off, anything and everything you can think of. If it’s a game wide plot you’d like to see – even if you think it’s too cracky – then just mention it. No idea is too weird, so just go for it! Have fun and go wild!

Also feel free to use it as a general love in/getting to know people post. This is just for a bit of fun, no one is obligated to take part and I doubt this needs to be said, but if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all!

Cause I'm addled in the brain pan

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So, I blame Beth who brought us Ted/Vader for this because that's where this all started. We have to keep repeating both names - host/guest - and it got me to thinking about ...well, combining them. They're sorta funny, or can be. And make me think of the bit on Sesame Street when they make the words with sounds.

What I've got so far (some of them are just weird things that pop in my head).

Ted/Vader - Tader
Norah/Tas - Torah or Tasah or even Tarah or Noras
Elsa/Fred - Fredsel (yeah, it's not always exact and Fredsa or Elred - not so great)
Eric/Diana - Diric (Beth said "Because 'Eriana' sounds like some weird fanfic elf name)
Jeremy/Ozymandias - Jozy
Casey/Cassandra - Cass (easy, I know)
Leanne/Spike - Spean
Farly/Gordon - Gorley, Fardon (say "Fardon" -it's sorta fun)
James/Jason - Ja (look at the taken listing...lots of "ja"'s in that one)
Dexter/Harry - Hexter

Additions! )

Names have been added!

The list could go on. Join me in this slightly craziness!


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I have to go on a short trip for work. (To Phoenix. In July.) If I manage not to melt away in the heat, I'll be back on Wednesday. I may check in before that, depending on what sort of bad ideas my coworkers talk me into.

If you need anything, like answers to plotty questions, or just feel like amusing me while I'm in boring meetings, feel free to send an e-mail my way.

Try not to break anything while I'm gone, okay?

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