our true selves.

July 4th, 2009

our true selves.


July 4th, 2009

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Nels, yet again. This is it for a little - yes, I'm going to try and fight off the urge to make more and just work the three.

What do I bring this time? Or who?

I present Elsa Jameson, a lovely high class escort who is in a coma. "Coma?" you might ask. "Then how the hell is she going to interact?" Oh, that's the fun part. Her incarnate is...get this...the one and only, the uberfabulous, the rambler-babbler brilliant minded extraordinaire...Winifred "Fred" Burkle! "So?" - right? Fred's behind the wheel! Yes, folks, Fred is in control, and she's trying to figure out who Elsa is. Fun times!

Now, if anyone would like to have some back story with Elsa - awesome! Elsa didn't know about her phantom traveler (yeah, bad show allusion to a completely diff show), and well, looks like she won't know for a little while anyway. Elsa's in LA; actually, donno where Elsa is, being all comalike, but Fred in Elsa's body is in LA.

For more information, please take a gander over there.

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I need to go on a hiatus. Sorry to anyone who had something going on with Chris/Dean or was hoping to do something with him. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone, could be the full month.

If your character needs to ICly react to Chris not being around, let's just say he's disappeared. Not picking up his phone, not showing up online, nothing. I'll do something with that when I get back.

See you all later!

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As you're probably (hopefully) aware by now, Adam has acquired the personal information of every reincarnate that the Agency is aware of. Now, this information will never ever be used in character without players permission. It just makes it easier for recruitment and general nefarious schemes if he knows where people live and can kill them in their sleep!

I know there were people who wanted to be recruited to the Army Of Doom, but I can't remember everyone and I don't want to miss anyone out! So if you want to be recruited to the Army of Doom then leave a comment and Adam will send a private e-mail in their direction!

On a less plotty and more personal note, I want to thank you all for rocking the hell out of this plot. I was a little nervous about how it would take off but I'm thrilled with everyone's reactions and actions and I'm so happy it's gone well! There's still a couple of days to tie up loose ends and finish stuff up but I just wanted to say THANK YOU!

We (me and Sheena) have a couple of ideas for other plots and there might be another 'plot week' in August to round up the summer, but there's all sorts of other things in the works that we'll be posting about soon!

- Katy
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