our true selves.

June 18th, 2009

our true selves.


June 18th, 2009

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Hey, guys! Beth again, bringing in an Agency alt. This is Casey Beckett, and she's host to Cassandra Cain / Batgirl III.

The Beckett name is relatively well-known in business/real estate circles. They're not 'Donald Trump' famous, but her dad (George Beckett) has a bit of a reputation for his improper business practices. Nothing has been proven, but the rumors are true: he's been known to bribe, intimidate, and make use of a whole host of less than ethical methods. Casey started out in the family business fresh out of undergrad as a 'competitive intelligence researcher,' but the title was a big lie. There was nothing legitimate about what she did - she was basically in corporate espionage, and after a few big successes she got promoted to the upper ranks.

Then Cassandra showed up and her conscience got a jump-start. Long story short (too late?) she quit her job, had a big ugly fight with her dad (which ended in him disowning her), and she went to work as a Caretaker. She likes that job a lot more, even if the salary is a mere fraction of her old income.

She comes off as serious and she's a woman of few words on the journals, mostly because reading and writing are not easy for her. In person she's a little more talkative and she likes practical jokes. Agency members who share office space with her? Expect to have your screensavers changed to scroll (badly misspelled) movie quotes, or to have your desk tchochkes rearranged into dioramas. She once recreated the Battle of Thermopylae with office supplies and a plastic dinosaur**.

Plot? Buddies, enemies, Bat!plot, people who need Caretaker attention, people who are willing to spar with her? I am open to everything!

** The dinosaur was playing the part of King Leonidas.
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