our true selves.

June 17th, 2009

our true selves.


June 17th, 2009

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Hi guys. It's Jewels again.

This is Esther Shelton, Captain Esther Shelton. She's the one and only Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean, and I'm full of crack. Anyway, she is a babysitter for the Agency, I mean a Caretaker. Right, one of those. She's got a severe drinking problem that she blames solely on Jack. She says she smells infinitely better and has infinitely better hygiene but she talks like Jack, and she's trying not to walk like Jack, because she says that makes her look ridiculous, she's not Keith Richards. Anyway, her dad and her dad's dad and just about everyone in her lineage has been working for the Agency so if you're in the Agency or have been a while or whatever, you might be familiar with her father.

Anyway, she needs some people to look after, so any takers? Any lines what so ever? She needs friends, and ex's and people to go drinking with, and men and women to slap her.

As always I'm on punching infants if you need me.
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