our true selves.

April 8th, 2009

our true selves.


April 8th, 2009

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Someone really wants to do Gumby and Pokey or Holmes and Watson with me don't they? Pretty please? >.>

[/shameless pimping whore]

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Hey, all! I'm Allie. I live in Chicago, which is only important for you to know because it means I'm in central time zone. I bring with me Dana Van Loan, who has the memories of ~Prince Charming~. Watch out, ladies. Mrow. You can find info about both of them in my application, here!

(I'm working on an application for a Rodney McKay character, too, but we'll see if that pans out.)

If you want to catch me, I'm almost always on AIM in the early evening, about three/four to nine/ten. HIT ME UP AT IKNOWYOURLIPS. I love meeting new people. I also have email for those who don't have AIM (which is weird, just sayin') or have a way different time zone and can't catch me on there: iknowyourlips@aol.com

Plotting is more than welcome. In fact, I plead for it. Super excited to be here!~~

New person >_>

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Hello, everyone. I'm new to the game. I think I know a lot of you, but some of you I don't, so, hi! :D I'm Lyn, and I'm bringing with me a single character . . . at least until my willpower invariably fails and I find someone else.

This is Antonia Peters, and she is the reincarnate of Peter Petrelli from Heroes. She has his current in-canon power of ability duplication; she can borrow someone's power, but the minute she borrows someone else's, she loses the previous ability. She's a college student, and works as a T.A. for her history professor, and at a coffee shop. Um, she's extremely open for plottage, as I work at actually figuring out how things works here XD

I'm pretty easy to get hold of, usually. When all else fails, I'm always reachable at my email address: without.a.script@gmail.com.

I'm also reachable on AIM, via two different names, depending on the time of day.

on weekdays, you can catch me on empathic destiny, via meebo.
on weeknights/weekends, you can catch me at a lil glass vial.

So, uh, hi, and I look forward to playing :)
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