our true selves.

April 7th, 2009

our true selves.


April 7th, 2009

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HELLO! i'm sam. i've been dragged here by my master, char, with this guy. angel(us)'s reincarnation; noah finnigan, who currently lives in nevada. well, he's always lived in nevada. he's a high school teacher (geometry) who has vowed a life of celibacy after breaking up with the "love of his life". he's one of those guys that claim to be normal and really it's not. especially with the memories of a hundred year old killer in his mind that he's fighting to contain the random need to maim the pretty girls in his classes.

and that's about it! if you want to plot or whatnot. just im me at alittlebitanal on aim. i look forward to writing with everyone.

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Howdy, all. It's Misha. I've been on hiatus the last two weeks, but I'm home now and I intend to get all of my kids active before the weekend. Two weeks is a long time to be away from a game, so bear with me, and please poke me here if there's anything I need to be aware of, anytihng I need tot ag, and lines or events that have transpired that I would have missed...I appreciate it, and I really appreciate all the good thoughts sent my way while I was gone. I'm looking forward tog etting back to playing!

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Hey everyone, It's Abby.

So I was on the inactive list, but the reasn is that I need a bit of plot for Emma Howe. She's an olympic gymnast with six medals under her belt so far - currently at Columbia University in New York majoring in Computer science and maths and training under her coach Nikolai (who doesn't have a last name atm). She's the reincarnate of Barbara Gordon and is adjusting rather well so far but she hasn't gotten her Killing Joke memories left of herself being crippled.

Emma is really nice but some people on campus are hesitant to approach her - thinking she's stuck up and all because she's known in the world of sports. She's currently in training for Worlds'. She's the youngest of four kids - her siblings are boys and two are gymnasts and one is a sports medic.

Also I play Sam Price who is Martha Jones. Shes' based in london and is going to be hospitalized relatively soon (Sam is in a relationship with Jordan Hartman.) so anyone interested?

ETA: Misha! I figured out how we can plot for my charie and Wesley's reincarnate!! She needs an Agency friend! Now that Gonzo the great is gone =) Whatdya say!
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